Prenatal care should start before pregnancy.

Anyone thinking about pregnancy, should also be thinking about prenatal care. This care is important for the mother’s health and the health of the child. Whenever possible, it should begin prior to pregnancy. A visit with your health care provider prior to pregnancy to review your immunizations, start a prenatal vitamin with folic acid (which can …

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VBAC — or not VBAC?

It used to be the norm, that once you  had a Caesarian section, you always had to have one. Not any more. However, opinions differ greatly when it comes to  VBAC  decision. VBAC is now considered a safe option for most women expecting twins, moms who have had two prior c-sections with a transverse incision, and even for …

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Why store cord blood?

1) What is cord blood? Umbilical cord blood is the blood collected from the umbilical cord immediately following the birth of a child. This blood provided nourishment for the baby during pregnancy, but once the baby is delivered, umbilical cord blood is no longer necessary. Learn More 2) What are stem cells? Until recently, it was …

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Should you bank your baby’s umbilical cord blood?

The promising field of stem cell research is prompting more and more parents to store their newborn’s umbilical cord blood for possible use in treating future disease. Cord blood is rich in blood-forming stem cells and is currently used in transplants for some patients with leukemia, lymphoma, immune deficiencies and inherited metabolic disorders. Most infusions …

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How a woman’s body changes during 9 months of pregnancy.

Spring is a time to celebrate the miracle of life and reflect on not just how mothers have impacted our lives, but how motherhood has impacted them. During the course of nine months of pregnancy, moms-to-be undergo common physical and emotional changes that lead to childbirth, from weight gain to mood swings. However,’s infographic …

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Sleeping for two: Sleep changes during pregnancy

Being pregnant can be a tiring experience for a woman’s body. Both the physical discomforts of pregnancy as well as the emotional stress of this major life change can cause sleep problems and keep a mother-to-be awake at night. Feeling exhausted is a common complaint during the first and third trimesters. But women might be …

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How to prepare dads for labor.

Take these steps to involve, support and prepare your partner for labour.When a woman is pregnant most of the outside world’s attention is on the mother to be. On the one hand, this makes sense because it is the mother who bears the physical appearance of pregnancy and birth and the special connection to a …

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