Signs of Early Labor

A woman will experience many signs before going into labor: nausea, cramping, lower back pain and a thick, bloody discharge. While some of these may be concerning, in many cases it’s just the body’s way of telling you that actual labor has not quite started yet but is close!   During pregnancy, the uterus grows …

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Public VS Private Banking

Besides having to deliver at a specific hospital, with public banking you choose to relinquish ownership of your baby’s cord blood sample for public use. And unless you meet strict qualifications, your baby’s cord blood could be discarded. Though there is no cost for this generous donation, if your baby needed a stem cell transplant, …

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Pros and Cons of Delayed Cord Clamping

Delayed cord clamping allows extra time, usually one to three minutes, between the clamping and separation of the umbilical cord from the baby, until pulsations in the umbilical cord have ceased or the placenta is delivered. This allows the remaining stem cell-rich blood from the placenta to be transferred to the baby after birth (up …

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Asia’s Mild-Spastic Tetra-Paresis and Cord Blood Stem Cells

Asia’s parents noticed that besides not being verbal, Asia struggled with standing, taking steps and holding objects in her hands. Their concern naturally grew as even with time and therapies, Asia was not showing any signs of improvement. Asia’s orthopedist diagnosed her with mild spastic tetra-paresis and recommended investigating the use of her stored stem …

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Shai’s Story

Shai’s Story is about a mother who fought with her daughter, Shai, through Shai’s battle with rhabdomyosarcoma, a tumorous cancer which developed in her pelvis while she was still in utero. It was diagnosed almost a year after her birth leaving Shai with little option for treatment. Shai’s mother, Frances, spent many months at a …

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Repairing Cleft Palate With Cord Blood Stem Cells

Doctors in Columbia recently performed a procedure using Cord Blood stem cells to treat cleft lip and palate in a 5-month old baby. Although still in the experimental stage, these stem cells have the potential to lead to a therapy that can treat this genetic condition without traditional surgery which can lead to complications later …

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Treating Autism With Cord Blood Therapy

A young boy from Kolkata, India was 18 months of age when his parents noticed his communication skills were not progressing compared to the other children his age. The child’s birth was a month premature and he was diagnosed having Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Autism can be characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, …

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Cord Blood and Your Family’s Future

Storing your child’s cord blood is an incredible way to invest in their future health and well-being. What you might not know: The same cord blood can be used to cure devastating diseases in your other children, or even in you.  Click here to read the story of Hamad, a young Emirati boy who was …

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Who Owns Your Baby’s Cord Blood?

Banking your baby’s cord blood and tissue is a great way to secure your baby’s future against potential life threatening diseases. When parents are considering banking, we often hear the question, who owns my baby’s cord blood and tissue? Since Maze is a private cord blood bank, your baby’s cord blood and tissue will not …

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Maze Cord Blood’s Superior Processing Technology

At Maze Cord Blood, your baby’s stem cells are processed using our Advanced Suspension MethodTM. This superior processing technology yields more healthy stem cells and reduces red blood cell contamination, resulting in less toxic side effects, and a decrease in the likelihood of certain complications in future use.  Advanced Suspension MethodTM is a manual processing technique, which results …

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