Common Painkillers may raise risk of birth defects

According to a study in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, the study indicated an association between use of the drugs and a modest risk of congenital heart defects, as well as a heightened risk for spina bifida, hydrocephaly, congenital glaucoma and gastroschisis and was reported by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and …

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Are you superstitious about pregnancy?

Planning for your baby’s arrival can include many wonderful outings and decisions.  Although there are many things you may not want to do before the eventful day, make sure to make plans in advance for  banking your baby’s umbilical cord blood. It’s one of the few pre-pregnancy  necessities.  Preparing for your baby’s birth by painting …

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Pre baby bucket list

There are so many things to do and so little time before your LO gets here. Besides all the baby preparing you will need to do, such as the checklists,  the birth plan, etc, you need to plan for a day just for you. It might be filled with pampering, or shopping or a restful …

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Prenatal Checkups and Tests

What You need to Know Pamela Brawer Save a Tot Prenatal care is the care you get while you are pregnant. This care can be provided by a doctor, midwife or other health care professional. The goal of prenatal care is to monitor the progress of a pregnancy and to identify potential problems before they …

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The Value of Saving Umbilical Cord Blood

    It’s a decision that every parent should take very seriously, since there is only one chance at birth to save these precious cells. That’s the message that Save the Cord Foundation wants to share with expectant parents and the public. The stem cells found in the umbilical cord, placenta and cord tissue are …

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Cerebral Palsy and the Potential of Cord Blood Stem Cells

    March is designated as Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month by the federal Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. The national health observance aims to foster greater public recognition of the developmental disorder and to heighten awareness of the innovative efforts to discover new treatments. Read more: Click here for a free information packet …

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Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy -What you can do

    You’ve heard about swollen feet, morning sickness and aching backs. But there is another unpleasant (and embarrassing) complaint that frequently strikes pregnant women: Hemorrhoids. What you can do about them: The best method for hemorrhoid treatment during pregnancy is to stay regular, so increase your fluid and fiber intake to avoid constipation. Do …

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VItamin D and pregnancy

    Vitamin D, the one we get from the sun provides help for the absorption of calcium. Calcium, as we all know, helps in the growth and strengthening of our own bones as well as those of our unborn babies.  When women breastfeed, there is an inadequate amount of Vitamin D transferred to the …

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