Mother’s Exercise May Boost Baby’s Brain

    If a woman is physically active during pregnancy, she may boost the development of her unborn child’s brain, according to a heart-tugging new study of expectant mothers and their newborns. The findings bolster a growing scientific consensus that the benefits of exercise can begin to accumulate even before someone is born. Previously the …

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How to prevent varicose veins during pregnancy

    Varicose veins are fairly common— up to 55 percent of women will have varicose veins in their lifetimes, according to the American College of Phlebology. During pregnancy, the blood volume increases and the pressure from the growing uterus on the body’s big vein, the inferior vena cava, puts pressure on the veins in …

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For Expecting Dads Only – Sex and Pregnancy

Now that your significant other is pregnant, sex may not be as often as before.  While some men love sex with pregnant partners, others, well, not so much.  For her part, the first trimester may be one long day of morning sickness. Not a particularly sexy feeling. Other issues might include fatigue and hormone changes. …

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The best Baby Shower Gift List

    When you have a baby shower, you can count on getting lots and lots of baby gifts. And that’s a good thing because as small as babies are, the list of essential gear for babies is quite large! That’s why making a baby-shower registry is important — it gives your family and friends an …

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9 Pregnancy Milestones No One Tells You About

  1. The first day you make it through without puking. While the pregnancy books and articles like to make you think that you magically wake up on the day that you hit 12 weeks, completely cured of morning sickness, it doesn’t exactly work that way. Instead, you may find yourself cursing all the “what …

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The Truth About Sex After Baby

  By Sia Cooper Sex after baby is a highly talked about topic when it comes to the postpartum experience. Doctors say “no sex” until after getting the clear at your 6 week postpartum check up. If you had any complications during the delivery, then that time may even be extended. Regardless of when the …

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New Regulations for Food Labels and Breastfeeding Risks.

  The Food and Drug Administration has released new labeling rules that are intended to give doctors a better understanding of how specific drugs may benefit or harm their pregnant and breastfeeding patients. A final draft rule, which is scheduled to be published in the National Register on Thursday, will replace a decades-old labeling system …

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The Future of Cord Blood Research

  You may have heard that the stem cells in your baby’s umbilical-cord blood can save lives, but if you’re like most people, you have only a vague notion of how stem cells work — or which diseases they can treat. Right now, certain cancers, blood disorders, and immune disorders, among other conditions, are being …

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Prenatal Testing

Prenatal Testing During pregnancy a woman should be having tests done left and right to ensure that she and her baby are in good health. Below are some of the various tests that should be done throughout pregnancy, and some that should be done during specific trimesters. All of them are similar, yet each test …

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