Prolonged Sitting Counteracts Benefits of Exercise

Most people know that exercise is important for their health. Exercise has been shown to help with weight loss, improve mood, build and maintain strong bones and muscles, increase energy, and decrease the risk of chronic disease. As a result, many of us make it a point to get to the gym or engage in …

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It’s Not Just Carbs in Our Cereal

As most people know, there are chemicals and pesticides in our environment and in the food we eat. There is an ongoing debate about the safety of many of these chemicals and what is an acceptable level for human consumption. One pesticide that has been heavily researched is glyphosphate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup …

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Don’t Overlook Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin with many roles in the body related to bone health, immune support, and inflammation reduction. Some studies show it may have a role in the prevention and treatment of diabetes and with sexual function. Vitamin D is now routinely tested with blood workups, and about 50% of the population …

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Can Breastfeeding Delay Early Menopause?

February is American Heart Month, and the Go Red for Women campaign raises awareness for women’s heart disease. Most people unfortunately still think of heart disease as a men’s health issue, but the truth is that more women die from cardiovascular disease (CVD) than men! In that spirit, I would like to make mention of …

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Should I Circumcise My Baby?

Whether or not to circumcise your baby is a personal decision often determined by a variety of social, cultural, medical, or religious circumstances. Parents have the right to choose what they believe is best for their newborn and typically undergo extensive research before deciding what’s best for their family. So, what is the process of …

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Breastfeeding vs Bottle Feeding: It’s your choice

Pregnant women can be overwhelmed with questions about what motherhood will be like. And often one of the top concerns is deciding whether to breastfeed or bottle feed. What makes the experience special is that moms can choose how to feed her babies based on what feels best for her body and her baby. Most …

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Who’s in the delivery room with you?

When I was born, there was no choice: dads were outside of the delivery room with cigars and dimes for the pay phone (ok, so I’m old…).  When my children were born, of course, my husband was there the whole time (ok, not that helpful but there..) Now, the question is: Who should be in …

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Birth Plans and Options

Where will your baby come into the world (and into your arms)? Will it be in your own bed at home? In a high-tech hospital birthing room? In a family-focused birthing center? How will you be doing that birthing? In water? While squatting? On your hands and knees? How about the environment around you? Do …

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Epidurals – What are they? Are they for you?

Whether you’ve known from day one that you’d be asking for an epidural or have your heart set on a medicine-free birth, here’s the lowdown on epidurals and how they can take some of the pain out of labor and delivery. Remember that we are all individuals and our different thresholds of pain span the …

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Moms talk about Braxton Hicks

Braxton Hicks are certainly a pain in the (censored)! Are you in labor? Do you go to the hospital? Is it false labor? wants to answer these questions for you.  In an article about Braxton Hicks, they discuss Braxton Hicks, why you’re getting them, and the difference between them and labor symptoms.  When you’re …

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